Gut Health Recipe

Does your dog have digestive problems? Allergies? You can fix it naturally. Try my method.

Our Gut & Health veggie recipe is made ahead of time & stored for convenience. We freeze this blend into daily portions. This recipe is full of PRE biotics to grow healthy gut bacteria. Eating dry dog food grows bad bacteria and lacks healthy fresh nutrients. Also, most dogs do not do well with grains. We suggest you avoid grains most of the time. Oatmeal is our grain of choice.

Feeding guide
1/2 cup dogs under 20 lbs
1 cup dogs 25-45 lbs
2 cups 50+ lbs
3 cups to giant dogs

Pair this Gut Health recipe with your dog’s meat for a healthy meal. Meat should be 60%-80% of a dogs diet. We suggest cooked meat for dogs struggling with digestive issues or poor health. We suggest raw meat for healthy dogs, cooked meat for ill dogs. Bone meal must be included. See our other blog articles for details.

See the rest of our Safari Doodles Education blog to learn how to feed your dog a fresh food diet.

Gut health PRE biotic veggie & fruit recipe

Fresh papaya. 1 fresh
Crushed pineapple. 1 large can
Blueberries. 1 frozen bag
Bananas. 2 bunches
Lima Beans. 5 bags
Asparagus. 2 bunch
Zucchini. 15
Applesauce (unsweetened). 1 big jar
Pumpkin (not shown). 2 large cans
Riced cauliflower. 4 bags
Butternut Squash (cooked). 4 bags
Shredded coconut. Unsweetened.
Hemp Hearts. 1 container
Bee Pollen. 1 container
Goji Berries. 1 container

Canned chicken (only add for yum flavor! Add any canned meat you prefer for flavor)

Purée, mash, stir together. Put into daily portions & store in the freezer. Thaw and feed: cool/room temp/slightly warmed. Do not cook!

Author, Alicia of Safari Doodles, had fed fresh food to her dogs her whole life. Check out the other articles here in the Safari Education Blog.
