
  • Yearly Vaccines have become a normal protocol since the distemper vaccine in the 1950’s and later the Parvo vaccine in the 1980’s. Due to no studies of the vaccine’s longevity, the consensus was to vaccinate every year.
  • In past 20 years, many studies have concluded that dogs, like humans, carry a long term or life-long immunity to vaccines given once their system was mature. In most dogs, any vaccine given after 6 months of age will present immunity for life.
  • Titers Testing is a great way to confirm a dog’s immunity to deadly diseases like Parvo & Distemper.
  • Yearly vaccines/ over vaccination are linked to long term health issues.
  • Please enjoy the videos and articles presented. We hope that after a little understanding you may consider a more limited vaccine protocol.
  • Info provided by Alicia of Safari Doodles
Video 1 / Dr Bob Schultz’s interview on all things vaccine. Interviewed by Dr Karen Becker

Video 2 / Dr Bob Schultz’s interview on vaccines.
Video 3 / Dr Bob Schultz’s interview on vaccines.
Video 4 / Dr Bob Schultz’s interview on vaccines.
Vaccines confer long-lived immunity (high efficacy)
Vaccination repeated in the face of existing immunity doesn’t work (low/no efficacy)
Rabies is complicated by human health laws
If you have a vaccinated animal, I advise not re-vaccinating

Article on Perdue’s findings
All 27 veterinary schools in North America have changed their protocols for vaccinating dogs and cats along the following lines; (15) however, vets in practice are reluctant to listen to these changed protocols and official veterinary bodies in the UK and other countries are ignoring the following facts.
Dogs’ and cats’ immune systems mature fully at six months. If modified live-virus vaccine is giver after six months of age, it produces immunity, which is good for the life of the pet. If another MLV vaccine is given a year later, the antibodies from the first vaccine neutralise the antigens of the second vaccine and there is little or no effect. The litre is no “boosted”, nor are more memory cells induced.
Not only are annual boosters unnecessary, but they subject the pet to potential risks such as allergic reactions and immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia.
In plain language, veterinary schools in America, plus the American Veterinary Medical Association, have looked at studies to show how long vaccines last and they have concluded and announced that annual vaccination is unnecessary.
